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About us


Our journey started back in 2008, when Maureen Miruka’s (the Founder of JMHSK), son, Joseph, or Jose as he was fondly known, died of Hemophilia complications in April 2007. She gathered her strength and founded JMHSK, the next year and embarked on a journey to highlight the plight of people living with bleeding disorders with the objective of:

  • Encouraging and assisting individuals with Hemophilia to obtain proper treatment and medical care.
  • Aiding in the education of persons with congenital clotting disorders, their families, and the general public on the problems of Hemophilia.
  • Procuring supplies of whole blood, blood products, or other therapeutic materials that are of assistance in the clotting of blood.
  • Supporting the establishment and development of facilities for the adequate treatment of all aspects of Hemophilia.
  • Raise money to support individuals living with blood clotting disorders to access technical and financial support through sponsorship, scholarships, and Micro-enterprise grants.
  • Encouraging and promoting research in Hemophilia.

JMHSK is led by a volunteer Board of Management and managed by a small group of professional staff. Our Operations are based at our offices at Repen Complex, Block C, 1st Floor Room 108, Katani Road/Mombasa Road Junction, Nairobi, and our approach is caregiver and patient-led. We distribute Factor for Home Infusion.

Join our story and let’s help bring hope to the bleeding disorders community, together with by getting in touch with us.

Operations Staff

Dr. Maureen Miruka

Executive Director & Founder

Irene Kalekye

Program Manager

Albert Nyoike

Office Assistant

Board of Directors

Name Position
Maureen Miruka Founder
Simon Githinji Chairperson
Sitawa  Ogutu Vice Chairperson
Julia Gathoni Secretary
Kehio Chege Treasurer
Julie Smith Member
Jagdish Garara Member
Peter Muchoki Youth Rep
Isaac Waithaka Youth Rep


Name Position
Maureen Miruka Founder
Simon Githinji Chairperson
Sitawa  Ogutu Vice Chairperson
Julia Gathoni Secretary
Kehio Chege Treasurer

Medical Board

Our Vision is to support and help people living with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders in Kenya to live healthy and productive lives.

Our Mission is to provide comprehensive care and medical support to the bleeders’ community through the provision of medical supplies (factor) and financial support to build a thriving bleeding disorders community.