Source: WFH – 2017
JMHSK is a non-governmental organization committed to supporting people living with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders in Kenya. It began in 2008 in memory of Jose who passed on in April 2007 due to hemophilia complications at age six. To date, the total membership is 218 members.
Our mission is to provide comprehensive care and medical support to the bleeder's community through the provision of medical supplies (factor) and financial support to build a thriving bleeding disorder community in Kenya. Through ou office located in Nairobi, we have distributed over 1,869,778 IUS of Factor to date.
We run 4 programs. These include: Family/Livelihoods [In partnership with Save One Life we have - Sponsorship, Scholarship, Micro Enterprise Grants, and Outreach programs]; Medical Programs [Project Share-factor & Training]; Public Awareness Programs (partnerships); and Organisational Programs.
Source: WFH – 2017
We serve the bleeding disorders’ community by receiving and distributing donated factor and funding. We also advise and educate members on bleeding disorders’.
Recent Events
Serving the Hemophilia Community in Kenya
“I realised that something was wrong when Jose started getting mysterious bumps and bruises on his hands and knees as soon as he started crawling, On several occasions, I had noticed a little blood on his tongue while breastfeeding him but assumed that he had just bitten himself.
JMHSK Founder
Haemophilia, which mostly affects males, can also affect females but is much rare in females. It is a hereditary, life-long condition that is passed from mother to child. People with the condition suffer excessive bleeding, even from a tiny cut. Sometimes, the bleeding does not stop without some form of intervention.